Teaching at the CALM studio is guided by counting in Sanskrit, according to the method of Sri Pattabhi Jois. A method where each posture is characterized by a defined number of inhalations and exhalations which form the mala of each posture.
It is by adding the malas one after the other that the Ashtanga series take shape and make sense.
The SELF PRACTICE course, is known as the Mysore style course, as taught by Sri Pattabhi Jois, the student practices independently and receives personalized instructions and adjustments from the teacher.
Your progression through the series of postures is adapted to your body, and the rhythm of your practice is guided by that of your breathing. You memorize the sequence and over time postures are added according to your constitution, your preparation and your abilities.
We welcome students of all levels in these classes: some are experienced, or even yoga teachers, and practice alongside beginners. It is an individual practice, but carried out within a group.
Yoga postures, done in a slower way, because we hold them longer to work in depth.
This type of yoga improves breathing, concentration, presence, endurance, stability and patience.
We work on pranayama, philosophy and meditation in this course as well.
These classes are intended for all people who want to do a gentler yoga practice, or who have back problems or for seniors, for example. Everyone is welcome and the level is very accessible!
Yin yoga is a gentle style of yoga that focuses on stretching to deeply relax the body and allow energy to circulate freely throughout the body.
To practice Yin yoga, you must remain calm and move as little as possible. The idea is to hold the postures for a long time. Taking breaks for a long time allows you to achieve calm, find an unparalleled level of concentration, learn to empty your mind, let go and promote relaxation.
… …other benefits of Yin yoga
This type of yoga allows you to work the entire body and mind
The practice of Vinyasa flow is a dynamic and fluid yoga practice in which we seek to combine movement and breathing.
In this class, music is in the spotlight and the sequence of postures aims to create space, strengthen and stretch the body
Each class is made up of an introduction taking the time to warm up and loosen the body, a sun salutation then a sequence of postures called Flow before returning to the ground and calm down. Each class ends with relaxation.
This class is a mixture of the fluidity of Vinyasa Yoga with Pilates exercises, in order to work our muscles in depth. We also add Yin Yoga for a slower and relaxing final part.
This original practice invites us to connect to our sensations.
Yoga class (inspired by Iyengar) with accessories, such as swings, blocks, blankets, yoga wheels, chairs to help find alignment, explore possibilities and better understand postures. The postures are held much longer. We particularly work on openings, stretching and anchoring! Yoga Props
During a class we chant mantras, we move to the rhythm of various asanas, mudras and pranayamas to end with deep relaxation and meditation. Kundalini Yoga stimulates your glands, rebalances your hormones, boosts your immunity, to purify your physical body, your energetic bodies. This course offers you an invitation to explore your higher self.
Prenatal and postnatal yoga helps maintain good physical, emotional and spiritual health during pregnancy and postpartum.
Many women find that prenatal yoga helps them prepare for the stress of childbirth and motherhood. and Postnatal Yoga allows you to regain your body after childbirth, especially to strengthen your perineum and abdominal muscles.
The restorative yoga class that we offer you at Calm is based on an innovative concept which combines classic postures (sometimes with the help of blocks and bolsters) and rest time, to the rhythm of natural and conscious breathing. The body can thus regenerate itself while strengthening its resistance to stress. This type of yoga is particularly beneficial to anyone who is tired, depressed, overworked or recovering. It repairs the body and calms the mind, battered by a hectic and stressful lifestyle.