Karine has taken 2 yoga teacher training for children (Rainbow Kids Yoga and Green Yoga); its approach is playful and benevolent, appealing to the imagination and intelligence of the children who become co-creators of the session. English is also present in the courses she provides.
During the courses, children of all ages come together; this allows the older ones to take responsibility by supporting the younger ones, who will be motivated by the desire to follow their elders.
In a subtle and child-friendly way, we will work on the first 7 limbs of yoga:
YAMA: be at peace with the world
NIYAMA: be at peace with yourself
ASANA: having good posture
PRANAYAMA: breathe well
PRATYARA: inner listening
DHARANA: to concentrate
DHYANA: expanding your consciousness
Each day will be unique, the themes as well as the activities will be varied and will take place around the topics below
. breathing exercises and yoga postures
. psychomotricity
. creative body expression games
. concentration exercises
. Yoga Nidra (deep relaxation)
. snack break and discussion time
The Shala CALM (like at home) is a warm yoga center conducive to well-being
Practical Information
Possibility of doing 1 day or several or all week according to your need and desire!
From Monday to Friday from 2pm to 5pm
Vacances de Printemps: to be decided
Vacances de la Toussaint: to be decided
per day: 35 euros
3 days: 90 euros
the week: 125 euros