… at CALM
… at CALM
MBSR – Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction – are stress reduction programs based on mindfulness.
The MBSR program is a mindfulness training, learning to be here and now, present to what I live by developing an open, judgment-free and caring quality of attention.
This state of presence makes it possible to avoid reactivity to external events (professional or personal)
Each cycle runs for 8 weeks with a group session of 2h30 each week (the first and last sessions last 3 hours) and a day of Mindfulness from 10:00 to 17:00, taking place on a Saturday or Sunday between the sixth and seventh sessions and exercises to do at home.
Learning to manage stress and live better is possible!
350 € for the whole cycle, 8 sessions from 2h30 to 3h and a day of deepening, for a total of 30h of training. The cycle price also includes a participant’s manual and meditation recordings for home practice.
A check of 50 € is requested at the time of registration. The balance is to be paid at the first meeting (payment facilities can be granted as needed)
Fall cycle
Mondays from 14:00 to 16:30.
Information meeting: 14 October from 14h -15h30
Cycle dates: 21/10, 28/10, 4/11, 11/11, 18/11, 2 / 12.9 / 12 /, 16/12.
Silent day on Saturday, December 7th
Instructeur: Isabelle Pichot-Duclos
Information and registration:
Winter Cycle
Tuesdays from 19:00 to 21:30
Information meeting: 28/1 19h -20h30
Cycle Dates:, 4/2, 11/2, 18/2, 25/2, 3/3, 10/3, 17/3, 24/3
Silent day on Saturday, March 14
Instructeur: Pierre Lançon
Information and registration:
Spring Cycle
Mondays from 14:00 to 16:30.
Information meeting: canceled
Cycle dates: canceled
Silent day on Saturday, canceled
Instructeur: Isabelle Pichot-Duclos
Information and registration:,