We are finally moving our online community to an online Shala CALM!

At first and in an emergency, we found as a solution to be present in your lives with live lessons on Instagram, and lessons via Skype and Zoom. After a month spent in this scheme, it is so easy to fall into the production habit to continue doing what we have always done. I really don’t want to create yet another distraction on the screen “far from”, but rather an open space that allows us to “be with” what is happening.

In this new solution we are not limited by time, and we can interact with each other before and after lessons to share and answer your questions and comments.

The sacred space of our shala lives in each of us, and with compassion and generosity, we can stay connected to each other and to our common practice beyond the physical place. We can come together as a community and this is magic!

CALM’s virtual shala will be open on Monday April 27 and you are all invited to connect via our website wherever you are!

There will be at least one class per day and if you are interested we can do even more and if you want classes in other time slots let us know. We want to be there for you in this special moment!

I would personally maintain this sacred space with the teachers of CALM, in the hope that it will resource you, nourish and support you in these vulnerable and tender times.

See you soon on our virtual shala!